Silhouette of Trees Under Starry Night


Bringing Science into the Public Domain of India.

You have all funded science in India.

Yes, you pay taxes that fund the many research projects in India's many research centers and institutions.

We at backYourScience believe that the benefits of science should be accessible to all the citizens of the country.

We want backYourScience to be a commune where Indians celebrate, participate, and engage with science and the scientific community of India.

In simple words, we want science to be an Indian festival. So consider yourself RSVP'd for this one.

We had the chicken and the egg. Now, we are going vegetarian.

We started as a science crowdfunding platform to nudge the Indian community around and towards science.

We thought if people put money into it, they would definitely be more invested in it, right?

But for now, we think it's important to first call you, our guests, for a party and have a discussion, and have an opportunity to get to know Science together.

Through an indigenous Indian lens, of course.

Our Social Science.



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If you're thinking on the same wavelength as us, or want to just reach out to us, contact us on our socials or email us at

We have something exciting manifesting around the bend. We will keep you posted!